17 best chin strap beard styles for men in 2020

Society’s elevation of the beard culture has seen men become creative to express their masculinity. Many perceive beards as a sign of gruff, or a display of dominance. Although a smooth face is very much the norm, the beard culture resurgence, headed by famous personalities, is quite popular. Perhaps the most uncomplicated and contemporary look for most men is the chin strap beard design. Do you fancy the realignment of your beard to create this exquisite look? Why not stand out and express your unique style?

Although some would say that growing a beard would be aligning with more animalistic tendencies, the culture is now perceived as natural and flashy. With the internet becoming more mainstream, and social media endorsing depiction of what masculinity is all about, beards seem to reign supreme.

And that is why rocking a thick chin strap beard is a good idea. Flow with society’s perception and abide by the prevailing fashion ideologies. The style is simple, and if you have a great jawline, the better the outlook.

Chin strap meaning

The chin strap beard is one of the most popular styles for men. It was ubiquitous in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the old-school photos (some black and white) of young lads would attest to that. The look is encountering a modern-day resurgence with the crème de la crème of society sporting the style.

What constitutes chin strap beard styles? Ordinarily, a chin strap beard is one with clearly defined edges around the jawline and connects from one end of your face to the other. Of course, getting the ideal chin strap beard requires perfect grooming of your facial hair and consistent trimming. This practice keeps your beard at bay to create the ideal chin strap.

Who should try a chin strap beard?

Indeed, individual styles look great on men with particular facial features, and the chin strap look is no different. Men with an oval face look great with this beard design. Of course, other facial shapes can still look great.

The primary idea here is to ascertain that the style compliments your jawline angles and chin. If you rock the look and find out that it doesn’t look good for you, then you can try another.

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The best chin strap beard styles in 2020

What is the ideal variation to go for when interested in a chin strap beard style? Is it a chin strap beard with moustache or chin strap curtain beard? Indeed, the ideal way to style your beard is to get it professionally done by a barber. They will trim it to the perfect length and match it with your most outstanding facial features to look great.

1. Pencil chin strap with a moustache

Maybe you don’t have too much facial hair and are looking to style whatever you have to look astounding. The pencil chin strap with a moustache is the best direction to take as it is relatively easy to create.

It is a thin, pencil size, chin strap that extends evenly from your right jawline to the left through the chin. You can have your moustache trimmed or cleanshaven to match the thin chin burn.

2. Acute trim with chin strap

Are you looking for the ideal chin strap beard for a black man? One of the biggest problems for black men when rocking a chin strap beard is visibility. One cannot go too thin, and the boldest and most conspicuous ones are those that have ideal girth and density.

The acute trim with chin strap is a great design that fits most people’s desire. And it is effortless to create. Just converse with your barber and express your desire and you will get a tremendous acute trim according to your face’s shape.

3. Subtle chin strap with a caged goatee

If you do not want to lose your goatee and still want to rock a chin strap, then you can go for this remarkable style. You can have the beard to express your masculinity and elevate your facial hairstyle game. Today, it is prevalent to spot numerous men having a goatee and a chin strap – they ordinarily go hand in hand.

4. No bridge chin strap

Would you like to style your chin strap unconventionally? If you are not a fan of rules and looking to go for something creative and out of context, then this detached chin strap beard look is for you. It creates a significant gradient between your low fade hair and beard giving you a great appearance.

5. Grey hair chin strap beard

Are chin strap beards attractive? This is a common inquiry among beard enthusiasts looking to rock a new style. And how else would you know without risking and attempting the preferred style? If you have grey hair, you do not have to keep on shaving your entire beard. Style it correctly using the chin strap style. The secret to making this work is to style it shorter and keep it neat.

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6. Imperial moustache with chin strap

If you are looking to make a bold statement with your chin strap beard, then this is the ideal style. It is impeccably stylish and quite unordinary for current society’s perspective on beards. It is an excellent way of elevating your masculinity.

7. Subtle chin strap

What chin strap beard styles haven’t you tried before? If you are looking for a type that isn’t your face’s highlight, then this subtle look can work the magic correctly. It is a short, raw-looking beard that is discrete enough yet confers ideal masculinity.

8. Thick chin strap beard

Many men fancy their beards as thick as can be, and with this style, one can achieve exactly that. This cool chin strap beard is excellent for individuals that are naturally blessed with great facial hair. Instead of struggling to tame the growth, why not trim it just enough to maintain a chin strap beard. You will love the look.

9. Bushy chin strap

Although most people going for the chin strap look prefer a well-groomed and subtle appearance, some don’t mind a rugged look. And if your beard outgrows, forcing you to tame it every week, let it wild and rock the bushy look. You can make your beard as bushy as you desire and even allow it to grow to your main hair length.

10. Colourful chin strap beard

Imagine having your thick chin strap beard, running from either end of your face in a colour that complements your desired look. However, it would be best if you ascertained that you have the appropriate volume to make this work as the colour will not show with short facial hair.

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11. Ludacris creative strap

It isn’t strange for numerous beard styles to be influenced by celebrities. And this one by Ludacris is one of the most creative and unique that the daring wouldn’t mind attempting. The rapper is famous for having the best hairstyles, going for out of the box options that many wouldn’t dare. This chin strap beard style is subtle and would look great on anyone.

12. High fade with thin chin strap

Chin strap beard styles can also have a fade, and the look isn’t restricted to hairstyles alone. Even better, you can go for a combo of a faded hairstyle, and a beard that look’s terrific on all face shapes.

13. Chin curtain beard

The chin curtain beard is one of the most celebrated looks out there for men considering its simplicity. All it takes is a slight trim of your overgrown beard. It is ideal for people that have a lot of facial hair. Instead of shortening, let it grow to create the desired density.

14. Chin strap beard without moustache

Don’t have a moustache or do not desire to keep yours? There is a style for your unique interests, and it lacks a moustache. Most people recommend keeping a moustache when going for a chin strap beard, but it is not necessary. How about being different and cutting down the moustache?

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15. Soul patch chin strap

Although you are interested in rocking the classic chin strap beard, you don’t have to stick to the ordinary, but can go for other creative styles. Soul patch is a great out-of-the-box look that looks great on any face, regardless of the shape. You will love the versatility of the look.

16. That crooked chin strap beard

If you are tired of consistently rocking a thick chin strap beard, you can go for a more rugged look to alter your style. Sometimes, all it takes to make you look great is trying something new, and this look is worth a try.

17. Cool chin strap beard

Doesn’t a beard make one look cool and subtle? You can make the look more enticing by playing around with chin strap designs and have something impressive. Attempt the cool chin strap beard design for something appealing and refreshing.

If you are looking for the perfect beard style that will define your jawline, then the chin strap beard look is the most outstanding. Choosing the appropriate chin strap style can be a daunting task, but with the above examples, you have a good idea of where to begin. Explore the variation and make your pick – you will love the final result.

Do you fancy rocking the bowl cut style for girls? Indeed, it is one of the most common and desired styles for women, and ab.com.tc featured an interesting piece about the different variations.

You can choose the shaved style, edgy bangs, or any other that you prefer. Regardless of your selection, the style will make you look bold and smart. Bow cut for girls is a daring style that one can customize however they desire.


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