Barber Salary

How much does a barber make? Barbers generally earn an average salary for this profession. Barbers provide hair care services in order to enhance the appearance of their customers. Barbers typically have male clients, barbers cut, trim, shampoo, and style hair. Barbers may also offer scalp treatments, facial shaving, and fit hairpieces for clients. Some barbers offer extended services including skin care, nail treatments, color, bleach, and highlight hair, and offer permanent-wave treatments. Personal appearance employees must provide direct services to the public, requiring good people skills in this type of career. A good attitude and easy going manner will go far for those employed in such people-oriented services. All states licensing for barbers and other personal appearance workers, with qualifications varying per state.

How much does a barber make?


Barbers are often self-employed, with 44 percent of all barbers, cosmetologists, and other personal appearance workers working for themselves. A number of barbers own their own barber shops. Employment for barbers is expected to grow with an overall increase of 12 percent, about as fast as average, from 2008 to 2018. Personal appearance workers are required to have a high school diploma or GED in some states. Most states require barbers to complete a program in a State-licensed barber or cosmetology school. Full-time barbering programs generally last a minimum of nine months, with the possibility of gaining an associate degree in the process.

Some barbers manage barber shops, lease booth space in barber shops, or open their own barber shops after several years of experience. Another course in a personal appearance career is to become a barber who provides training through vocational schools. Job opportunities will be best for barbers with previous job experience and barbers licensed to provide a broad range of services.

The employment of barbers and other personal appearance workers is expected to grow faster than the average for all occupations. Job opportunities for entry-level barbers should be favorable, while barbers working in high-end establishments may face keen competition.

How much does a barber make per hour?

A May 2009 Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows the median hourly wages for a barber was $13.29. Tips for barber services may help increase a barber’s wages. While earnings for entry-level barbers is usually low, earnings for long-time barbers can be considerably higher for those with experience.

Industry And Hourly Wages

Personal Care Services $13.24

Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals $15.08

Local Government (OES Designation) $17.52

How much does a barber make per year?

The median yearly salary for a barber according to a May 2009 Bureau of Labor Statistics report was $27,650.

Industry And Annual Wages

Personal Care Services $27,540

Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals $31,370

Local Government (OES Designation) $36,440


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