Eau de toilette vs parfum: How to tell the difference between the two

Eau de toilette vs Parfum is the comparison of some of the most used perfume products worldwide. They are names that you’ve probably seen imprinted on different scent products. But are you aware of the meaning behind these names? Well, you will be glad to know that they are types of incense classifications that differ slightly in content combination. Find out what makes each product different and where they are best applicable.

Improving your knowledge of the different scents will help you identify the right variant for you. The variety of scents does not necessarily affect the scent or the overall quality of the product but rather indicates the concentration of scent oils in the scent.

What’s the difference between Parfum and toilette?

The difference comes from the intensity of fragrance or the concentrations of pure scent. A perfumer sometimes mixes more than 100 differently scented ingredients. This mixture is called pure fragrance or perfume oil.

If you wonder which one to choose between, Eau de Parfum vs toilette, worry no more. We have compiled a detailed analysis of the two to determine what sets them apart. Find out which factor makes each stand out and the difference in their content.

Eau de toilette

Eau de toilette includes a fragrance oil mixture of 4 to 15 per cent. This lighter perfume is normally maintained in a spray bottle due to its low smell oil combination and high spirit concentration. It normally lasts between 2 to 4 hours, which means you’ll have to refresh it at some point during the day.

It’s a fantastic choice for business African wear or any event where you don’t want your perfume to be irritating because of its mild body. Eau de toilette is appropriate for the warmer months of the year, such as summer and spring.

Eau de Parfum

Eau de Parfum, often known as Parfum, has a fragrance oil concentration of 10 to 15 per cent. The fragrance lasts 6-8 hours on the skin. Both are packaged in spray bottles or stopper bottles, making them difficult to tell apart.

Éau de toilette includes less perfume oil and more water and alcohol than Eau de Parfum, which is the primary difference between the two.

Which lasts longer Eau de Toilette or Eau de Parfum?

Eau de Parfum (EDP) has a shelf life that is five years longer than its counterpart Eau de toilette (EDT). Nevertheless, if you look for which fragrance lasts longer when applied, then the answer would be EDP. This is because EDT can last three to five hours, whereas EDP can last five to eight hours.

Should I buy Eau de toilette or Eau de Parfum?

Between Parfum vs Eau de toilette, which is better? Well, the answer depends on your personal preference. For example, if you are looking for a fresher fragrance that is light and appropriate for the workplace, Eau de toilette (EDT) is your answer. However, if you are going for dinner or a casual event, you should opt for EDP.

The reason is solely based on the way the fragrances act when exposed to the elements. First, EDT’s incense oil concentration is light and thus suits humid and hot climates. On the other side, EDP has more perfume oil; therefore is suitable for the cooler weather.

What is Eau de toilette meaning?

The term “Eau de toilettee” is derived from the French phrase “faire sa toilette,” which means “to get ready.” The smell is a softly perfumed cologne with a high alcohol concentration used as a skin refresher.

What is Eau de toilette used for?

In general, the fragrance use ranges from making colognes, aftershaves and even deodorants. It is the most preferred for use in aftershaves because it doesn’t react much with skin. Also, EDT can be incorporated into colognes to make mildly scented fragrances.

How to use Eau de toilette

The scent is easy to use; you can either apply it directly to the skin after shaving or bathing or spray it in the air and pass it through the mist. The second approach is to avoid hurting your jewellery due to the possibility of metals reacting with the alcohol concentration.

Understanding the differences between Eau de toilette vs Parfum makes the decision much easier. While they each have their own perks and downsides, EDT is your best bet if you’re seeking an affordable alternative for day-to-day use. On the other hand, an EDP is certainly the way to go if you want something that will last longer or have sensitive skin. Everything boils down to what you’re looking for in terms of smell, occasion, price point, and packaging.

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Source: Yen


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