Nurse Salary

Now if you’re interested in the process of caring for or nurturing another individual perhaps you might consider a profession in nursing. You might then be wondering how much does a nurse make? There are two major categories of nurses because of the agreement made by several professional nursing organizations that would reflect the educational preparation of the individual. The Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and the Registered Nurse (RN). According to National Pay data the average earnings that a nurse make can sum up to $22.08 – $30.77 per hour with an overtime rate of $30.67 – $45.72 per hour. Usually the average money that LPN’s earn is between $7 to $22 per hour while RN’s earn between $ 24 and $33 per hour.

How much does a nurse make?

How much does a nurse make? Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Based on the Nationalized Annual data of nurses, in the United States a nurse can have a median annual rate bonus amounting to $238.31 – $1,761 per hour with a total median pay of $46,839 – $67,161 in a year. In additional, because professional nurses combine various disciplines including aspects of biology and psychology in promoting restoration and maintenance of health in their clients, the amount of money they make also vary depending on the education they completed. Say for an instance, a nurse who attained PhD can have an earning around $72,000 a year and a nurse with a bachelor’s degree can have $45,000 annually but still these rates vary according to location, size and experience as a nurse. Here are some nursing top degrees with an accumulated compensation per hour.

Top degrees Hour rate

Bachelor of Science, Nursing (BSN) $22.84-$31.54

Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) $21.90-$29.92

Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) $21.81- $30.16

Associate of Applied Science (AAS) $21.72-$29.81

Diploma, Nursing $24.47-$33.29

In addition, since nurses are distributed all throughout the country, survey shows the accumulated compensation based on hourly rates of nurses distributed in popular industries of the United States; on top of the list is the Healthcare – $22.35- $30.75, Hospital- $22.38-$30.58, Acute Care Hospital- $22.91-$30.67, Medical Services -$22.68-$30.36 and Family Medicine – $22.73-$30.43. You have to also consider the experience per se, say that the range of earning a graduate nurse in the US can make $ 57,000 while a nurse who happens to have a 2-3 years of experience can earn up to $62,000- $72,000 (as national averages).

According to the median annual salary wage, in terms of experience a nurse with the following year of experience(s) they can have a following hourly rate of compensations.

Less than 1 year $21.79

1-4 years $23. 70

5- 9 years $27.10

10-19 years $29.45

20 years or more $30.81

Moreover, the specialization can make a difference too, a nurse in an operating room has an initial hourly rate of $ 19.75 but a nurse in the emergency room has an initial hourly rate of $ 18.75. For Registered Nurse (RN) the Salary Range amounts up to $46,839 – $67,161, Charge Nurse (RN) $53,465- $74,356 while a Registered Nurse assigned in an Emergency Room can have $50,039-$73,237 and a Family Practitioner (NP) earns from $65,360- $85,049.

In general, if one dreams of becoming a nurse more than anything else, the pay should not influence the decision whether or not to become a nurse.


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