Papichulo AKA Papi Chulo Meaning On TikTok Explained: What Does It Mean?

Papichulo AKA Papi Chulo Meaning On TikTok Explained: What Does It Mean?

For a certain period, various trends or challenges arise in TikTok. People follow different trends as fun. And recently, the Papichulo trend is going on, and most of the users on TikTok take part in it. What does Papichulo mean? Learn more about it in the below article.

Papichulo is a Spanish term of endearment for males. And recently, everyone is using this word. People on TikTok are using this phrase as a slang term. And Papichulo trend has got over 525 million views on TikTok and is considered one of the biggest trends.

And there are also different songs entitled Papi Chulo. But TikTok users are using the music released by Lorna. 

Quick Facts:

Papi Chulo Meaning On TikTok: What Does It Mean?

Papi Chulo is Spanish slang; Papi means daddy, and Chulo refers to cute. So, in English, it can be called cute daddy. 

Although the exact meaning of Papichulo is unknown.

However, the Urban dictionary describes Pai Chulo as a term to describe a good-looking man.

Moreover, we can find different meanings in various online platforms. 

Papi Chulo TikTok Trend Explained

Recently, Papi Chulo got popular on TikTok. But before that, TikTokers took the term Papichulo from the music sector. 

There are four different songs named Papi Chulo.

In 2003, Panamanian rapper Lorna released her song entitled Papi Chulo (te traigo el mmmm…). This song gained massive success in different countries.

The song reached #25 on Billboard charts in the United States, and the lyrics on this song explain a night out with a hot man on the dance floor.

Besides this track, Prince Royce also released a 2015 track, Back It Up, featuring Jennifer Lopez, Pitbull, and the refrain: Dámelo Papi Chulo.

And most of the people on TikTok dance to the song Papichulo. People of different age groups are taking part in this trend. They post videos with #papichulo, and this challenge is one of the highest viewed on TikTok.

We can also go through various other social platforms like Instagram and YouTube to see these trends. 


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